The high-resolution Miniball germanium detector array has been operational at REX-ISOLDE at CERN for over 10 years. This array consists of 24 six-fold segmented, tapered, encapsulated high-purity germanium crystals and was specially designed for low multiplicity experiments with low-intensity radioactive ion beams (RIB). For work with rare-isotope beams, the multiplicities are low (often only a few states are excited) and the yields of such beams are usually much lower than for conventional experiments, so efficiency is paramount. High granularity and high efficiency were achieved by the segmentation of the charge-collection electrodes of the Ge detectors and the use of pulse-shape analysis to determine the position of the first interaction of the γ ray within the Ge crystal, giving a spatial resolution significantly finer than the dimensions of the crystal. The Miniball array has been used in numerous Coulomb-excitation and transfer-reaction experiments with exotic RIBs with energies up to 3 MeV/u, produced at the ISOLDE facility.



The ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer (ISS) project will design and construct instruments to explore the nuclear reactions that occur when stars explode in supernovae. The 4 T ISS magnet, a decommissioned MRI scanner, underwent an extensive programme of preparatory work and was cooled to liquid helium temperatures before being moved to the ISOLDE hall.The  ISS project  team  is  also  making  excellent  progress  on  the mechanical  infrastructure,  the  detectors  and  the  readout system. It recently took delivery of the first batch of silicon detectors and these are currently undergoing acceptance tests. The completed ISS should be available for physics exploitation  after  the  second  long  shutdown  (LS2).  Work is  also  progressing  well  on  the  active  target  SpecMAT that  will  be  used  in  separate  experiments  inside  the  ISS magnet.



At the end of the third beam line, smaller, moveable experimental setups will be installed. An example is the scattering chamber (SEC), with different charged particle detector arrays such as CORrelation SETup for quasi-fission measurements. It will have to be removed when Active Target Detector or the optical time projection chamber is installed in its place.


Code Proposal Title Spokesperson Contact Status
IS631 P467 The (d,p) reaction on 206Hg B.P. Kay / C.R. Hoffman K. Johnston Preparation
IS629 P479 Beta decay of 11Be C. Mazzocchi / K. Riisager K. Johnston Preparation
IS628 P478 Nuclear moment studies of short-lived excited states towards the Island of Inversion. g factor of 28Mg (2+) using TDRIV on H-like ions. G. Georgiev / A. Stuchbery L. Gaffney Preparation
IS621 P470 Single-particle behaviour towards the ``island of inversion" - 28,30Mg(d,p)29,31Mg in inverse kinematics D.K. Sharp/ S. Freeman K. Johnston Preparation
IS619 P468 Effects of the neutron halo in 15C scattering at energies around the Coulomb barrier I. Martel / O. Tengblad R. Lica Preparation
IS618 P465 Two-phonon octupole collectivity in the doubly-magic nucleus 146Gd G. de Angelis R. Lica Preparation
IS616 P463 Reaction mechanisms in collisions induced by 8B beam close to the barrier Di Pietro, A. / Figuera, P. Madurga, M. Preparation
IS607 P441 The 59Cu(p,alpha) cross section and its implications for nucleosynthesis in core collapse supernovae Lederer, C. Kowalska, M. Preparation
IS597 P423 Probing Shape Coexistence in neutron-deficient 72Se via Low-Energy Coulomb Excitation D.T. Doherty / J. Ljungvall E. Rapisarda Preparation
IS596 P421 2 + Anomaly and Configurational Isospin Polarization of 136Te V. Werner / N. Pietralla / G. Rainovski E. Rapisarda Preparation
IS595 P419 Spectroscopy of particle-phonon coupled states in 133Sb by the cluster transfer reaction of 132Sn on 7Li: an advanced test of nuclear interactions S. Leoni / B. Fornal M. Kowalska Preparation
IS591 P377 18N: a challenge to the shell model and a part of the to r-process element production in Type II supernovae Matta, A / Catford, W Rapisarda, E Preparation
IS587 P398 Characterising excited states in and around the semi-magic nucleus\n 68 Ni using Coulomb excitation and one-neutron transfer Gaffney, L./Flavigny, F./Zielinska, M./Kolos, K. Rapisarda, E Preparation
IS581 P356 Determination of the fission barrier height in fission of heavy radioactive beams induced by the (d,p)-transfer Veselsky, M. / Raabe, R. Rapisarda, E Preparation
IS572 P379 Study of shell evolution around the doubly magic 208Pb via a multinucleon transfer reaction with an unstable beam Valient Dobon, J.J. / Szilner, S. Rapisarda, E Preparation
IS566 P370 Probing intruder configurations in 186,188Pb using Coulomb excitation Pakarinen, J. Rapisarda, E Preparation
IS564 P366 Study of the unbound proton-rich nucleus 21Al with resonance elastic and inelastic scattering using an active target Fernández-Dominguez, B./Tengblad, O./Caamano Kurcewicz, J. Preparation
IS563 P364 Coulomb excitation of 182-184Hg: Shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient lead region Wrzosek-Lipska, K. / Joss, D. / Jenkins, D. / Paka Rapisarda, E Preparation
IS560 P360 Nuclear-moment studies in the odd-mass In isotopes up to N=82 using the Tilted Foils technique Georgiev, G. Yordanov, D. Preparation
IS558 P354 Shape Transition and Coexistence in Neutron-Deficient Rare Earth Isotopes Görgen, A. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS556 P352 Spectroscopy of low-lying single-particle states in 81Zn populated in the 80Zn(d,p) reaction Orlandi, R. / Raabe, R. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS555 P351 Study of shell evolution in the Ni isotopes via one-neutron transfer reaction in 70Ni Valiente Dobon, J. / Orlandi, R. / Mengoni, D. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS554 P350 Search for higher excited states of 8Be* to study the cosmological 7Li problem Gupta, D. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS553 P348 Determination of the B(E3,0+->3-) strength in the in the octupole-correlated nuclei 142,144Ba using Coulomb excitation Scheck, M. / Joss, D. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS552 P347 Measurements of octupole collectivity in Rn and Ra nuclei using Coulomb excitation Butler, P. / Joss, D. / Scheck, M. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS550 P344 Study of the Dinuclear System ARb + 209Bi (Z1 + Z2 = 120) Heinz, S. / Kozulin, E. Kowalska, M. Preparation
IS549 P343 Coulomb Excitation of Neutron-rich 134;136Sn isotopes Kröll, T. / Simpson, G. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS547 P340 Coulomb excitation of the two proton-hole nucleus 206Hg Podolyak, Z. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
IS546 P339 Study of the effect of shell stabilization of the collective isovector valence-shell excitations along the N=80 isotonic chain Bauer, C. / Pietralla, N. / Rainovski, G. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
I152 I152 Shape co-existence and higher order deformations Nara Singh B.S. / Jenkins D. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
I151 I151 Implementing the recoil distance Doppler-shift technique at HIE-ISOLDE: Investigation of neutron-rich 86 Se Fransen C. Rapisarda,E. Preparation
I150 I150 Shape coexistence in 68Ni and 70Ni Recchia F. / Lenzi S. Rapisarda,E. Preparation



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